*lovely bubbly*


What I really wanted in my 20s... was the opportunity to rebuild myself from the scratch... that's what I did in London... and made me so happy.... I'm proud of what I have done past 5 years... be brave enough to be honest with myself and what I need and want.. soulmate searching give me different result... but that's from what I want..... always brave enough to be honest with who I am and what I want...... that's all I need..... no dependence

April 30, 2007

Life is beautiful   

<<< Ambition >>>

let's go and conquer it.....

make the most of it....

by neoping @ 9:34 PM April 30, 2007   ::         

April 29, 2007

about 10 years ago.....under the trees and austrailia   

I'm actually living my dream.

10 years ago.... with all the classical music and everyday diary.....

I was able to see through what I really want in life deep inside of me....

how I want to live..... what the picture of my future look like.....

I made list-up.... and I carefully choose top one.... or 5 top lists....

that's what I achieve now.....

with global friend....with people who I love...... I want to feel happiness....

I came long way along cuz the time when I started that dream.... my heart was dead and I was numb.

I had fantastic time since 2003....esp. 2004.....2006 and 2007 is great.

and now I feel I can never stop being happy....cuz it's from inside of me.....

I store so much fun....so much beautiful memories with special friends..... who store me in their heart....


the time in New Zealand with you................

it's not glamourous...... it's not wild.....it's not luxurious.....

but.....but I know ...from deep in my heart...

it is my dream....... this contentment that I feel now....

peaceful contentment....quite triumph......real happiness....

I'm greatful god allow me to see through who you are....-ever-changing animal(?) / lost child(?) / happy contented natural hippy boy -

I don't think it would never be over....no matter what it is going to be......

I might be stupid..... I could do some trick(?) ...hmm.....doesn't sound like me though...

but I start to dream again....just like what I did about 10 years ago....under the trees...

and just like I did wildly when I travelled in Austrailia.....the very first wake-up....!!!!

I want to build up something....... that is my strong wish since 2004...which has been delayed to complete more important dream and issue for that times........love....and life....be happy.....

how to feel it.... how to live with it......how to live with flow.....go with it.......

so I guess..... as a natural-born strong fighter ....who I am...... finally start to fight....!

I love it........ my blood is boiling for that..... no guess.... just do it..... don't feel or judge.... just do it....!!!

and 10 years later.....I'll happily sit somewhere....write something.....like this....

'I'm living my deepest dream again......just like I did 10 years ago....'

and love and life with you.....? will be bonus.............

it will happen.........force of nature......and I'm centered for it.....

by neoping @ 10:39 PM April 29, 2007   ::         

April 27, 2007

I'm proud of myself...   

I don't get lost while I'm with confused boys who pretend to be strong...

and I'm proud of myself I was honest with myself to the end.... even though it wasn't easy...

and I wasn't stupid.....

I wouldn't put myself to stupid situation and do something stupid and distract myself and feel happy about it or something...

let's get out of this unhealthy dream.......

by neoping @ 11:15 AM April 27, 2007   ::         

April 04, 2007

Malaysia !   

get tanned and have fun...!!!!!!!

get my childlike spirit back..

by neoping @ 6:50 PM April 04, 2007   ::         

Who am I..?

floating gender
I've got male brain

Love is all we need..

what is real..?
when you are in love...
Being connected..that's what I need..


what 2005 has taught me ?

e-mail me!



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