*lovely bubbly*


What I really wanted in my 20s... was the opportunity to rebuild myself from the scratch... that's what I did in London... and made me so happy.... I'm proud of what I have done past 5 years... be brave enough to be honest with myself and what I need and want.. soulmate searching give me different result... but that's from what I want..... always brave enough to be honest with who I am and what I want...... that's all I need..... no dependence

February 12, 2006

Tuning and more importantly betting   

I've faced the new facsinating book, 'make your own luck'.
It reminds me of my old diary,which luckily I still have it in my lap top.

I've typed them since 1996 on the board in web classic music community.
That came as hobby and became an addiction.

I strongly believe that the introduction to classic music in 1996 gave me so much inspiration about what life is about, who I am ,and what I need to do to save my life unconsciously.
Since I'd been listening so voraciously, inspiration must be carved in some part of my brain...

It really did draw the map for my adventure, otherwise I wouldn't be here and now.

That's what I believe.

I still remember some moments like when I felt such strong desire to express myself to let my repressed emotion go at some nights.

So I did with real madness.

That was such a hard work,because classic music gave me the concept which is easily vanishing away in other second. Moreover at the same time, classic music forced you to be perfectionist.
I can't just scribble away.

I had to find the essence of the concept and express it out before it evaporated itself.

So I stayed awake all night long with listening and just trying to let myself go.

The Longer I listened the classic music, the more purified my idea became.

So finally by the time when sun rose, I was able to write something,usually not long, which I can call 'the essence'

I wrote so many just scribblings about miscellanies from 1996 to 1998 but I kept the most astonishing one diary in 1998, which really shocked me when I read again accidently in 2003.

Though the concept was very much vague,because I used the metaphor to symbolize the situation, it convinced me that 'the sealed concept' led me to follow this adventure.

U wanna know...? let me describe it.

In the beginning it said how important it is to tune your instrument first before playing the music othrwise you would make just noise!

No matter how skillful player would be, and no matter how long the player would spend on playing, it just would be NOISE...!

I did write my diary on the board in my classic community. So it sounds right and even boring..!

But as I said, it is only metaphor for introduction.

Next, the real concept came out.

It said the same rule applied to life as well.

If we hadn't tuned ourselves out properly and just to train ourselves to catch the skill to live a successful life mechanically, we could face the disaster to play nothing but noise which simply means that we waste our life to follow illusion.

Sounds so right,isn't it...?

Although few people would deny it,I don't think many people would really execute the concept in their life,because the road to tune yourself is not clear so that the chance is high than you can be astraied away and even fail to achieve your goal.

They are scared of taking risk.

Even myself , I'd never imagine that it would take so much time like this just to be tuned..for god's sake. Almost 8 years !

But I'm glad I've done this really before it gets too late.

So not so surprisingly I've load of thing to do from now on.....

So now What I really want to mention is not a satisfaction on finishing tuning but a right attitude over

Fighter and gambler's spirit and wisdom.

I strongly believe that the secret of making astonishing success is the artful sense of betting.


The chance is always in the future. It is in the end not really good idea to follow what other people are doing in the present,because first there are not so much big chances there because it is prabably already taken by early bird ,second the competition is too high to grab the chances and sustain it.

AS you know, it is not a new idea. Lots of people have talked about it already.
But most of them are only mentioning just idea by the result,which is nothing more than just pointing out the fact that you can create bigger successful outcome if you are focusing the future chance rather than staying the present fact,because thigs are changing and the speed of change is getting faster.

Well, repeating idea doesn't give you inspiration.
In many cases, academic person no matter how impressive their career seems to be is only good at concepting. They do not mention about how we are supposed to do, what do we need to do, what kind of strategy do we really need to apply,because that's experience area and they will not have it if they keep staying in the academic area.

So most of the cases they are actually focusing on how to expect what will happen precisely.

But even though it is quite a right idea, it is still idea before you make any action for it.
And also the chances are quite high that your forecast over the future need regular check-up whether things are going right or not.

It is more likely hte execuse to give you comfort ,which is you don't have to fight for a while. you don't have to lose anything except time...

So it is quite common that people just waste their time to think too long and much.
When the time comes to make an action, they need different attitude and mood.

Fighter's spirit and gambler's betting sense.

You know what...?

Actually what really shocked me in 2003 when I read it again accidently was not only it showed that what I would be after and be done through my adventure, and also what kind of attitude I need.

In that short diary, in the last sentence. I wrote it clearly that:

I will keep betting and challenging myself , no matter how complicated the situation would appear to be.

Finally that book is saying that you need gambler's betting sense,some people might say gut but I think that is more than gut because it is based on more than just emotional confidance.
They know something. they know the rule.
They can actually feel that what is going to happen sooner or later.
Otherwise they wouldn't bet anything,that would be just purely suicidal deed.

I will never stop betting.

And I will do very carefully and wisely.

by neoping @ 6:31 PM February 12, 2006   ::         

Who am I..?

floating gender
I've got male brain

Love is all we need..

what is real..?
when you are in love...
Being connected..that's what I need..


what 2005 has taught me ?

e-mail me!



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